Stock prices and software testers

Similar to Friday's post on baseball cards, I have another interesting metric I think about. It's my stock price (also known is some circles as "street-cred"). It works like this, I think everyone on a team has a fluctuation stock-price. It represents how attractive they are to work with at any given time, encompassing both their perceived productivity and personability. If someone severely flubs up a project or is simply a jerk to work with, their stock price goes down. If they are particularly strong at a skill in high demand, their price goes up.

Think of it like this, if five managers were building teams from a pool 100 candidates, and they each had fixed and equal "budgets" and could choose team members from the pool, what would they be willing to pay for any given candidate? The price of any given member would reflect the "future earnings" (or project value) of the person being brought onto the team.

Editorial comment: It's a thought experiment... It's not perfect, roll with it. I'm not saying this would be a good idea for a company, I am saying it's a neat thought experiment for the following reason.

If you're a software tester (and I have to assume you are if you're reading QuickTestingTips), think about what might affect your stock price. What are the factors that you think generate "street-cred" and make you a more valuable team player (and thus a higher-value team commodity)? If you had to issue quarterly and annual (testing) reports, what would be in them? How would you position yourself so you could demand a higher price?

Similar to the Friday post, if five people respond, I'll post my answer. The more people respond past that, I'll try to get the other authors on this blog to post their thoughts as well.