Don't let your distrust of software influence your trust in people
Today's tip is guest written by Zachary Fisher.
Working as we do, it is easy to let skepticism become our default position on any statement made by any person. At any time. On any subject.
This behavior becomes maladaptive when we see ourselves as the only person who can be trusted. It thrusts the onus of proof onto ourselves and causes us to micro-manage every minute detail of our lives and/or project. This dysfunction reveals itself in subtle ways: we keep details from others while trying to figure it out, preferring to create tools rather than relationships, not delegating crucial tasks because someone else won't do it right; basically seeing ourselves as the hub from which anything done right flows.
As a manager of resources, i.e., people, time, money, etc, we should walk in the light of some truths:
(1) We can be wrong sometimes
(2) We will be wrong sometimes
(3) Other people can forgive
(4) Other people can help
(5) Grace abounds in humility
So if the project is taking on gargantuan proportions and you're being consumed by fears of catastrophic failure - take a step back and ask yourself if the task seems so great because you secretly envision having to do it all yourself. If so, kudos for being a responsible adult. Now, take a step of faith and give other people the opportunity to prove themselves as trustworthy as you've become.
Working as we do, it is easy to let skepticism become our default position on any statement made by any person. At any time. On any subject.
This behavior becomes maladaptive when we see ourselves as the only person who can be trusted. It thrusts the onus of proof onto ourselves and causes us to micro-manage every minute detail of our lives and/or project. This dysfunction reveals itself in subtle ways: we keep details from others while trying to figure it out, preferring to create tools rather than relationships, not delegating crucial tasks because someone else won't do it right; basically seeing ourselves as the hub from which anything done right flows.
As a manager of resources, i.e., people, time, money, etc, we should walk in the light of some truths:
(1) We can be wrong sometimes
(2) We will be wrong sometimes
(3) Other people can forgive
(4) Other people can help
(5) Grace abounds in humility
So if the project is taking on gargantuan proportions and you're being consumed by fears of catastrophic failure - take a step back and ask yourself if the task seems so great because you secretly envision having to do it all yourself. If so, kudos for being a responsible adult. Now, take a step of faith and give other people the opportunity to prove themselves as trustworthy as you've become.