Writers and Coders

In the July issue of Writer's Digest, Kevin Alexander wrote an article titled Enforced Labor: To succeed as a writer it's all about finding a routine. The article walks through Kevin's routine (which was much like mine when I worked from home) and then offers some advice for writers to help them write. I think his advice is also good advice for people who write code.

In the article Kevin offers the following tips, I have added a couple of comments, but most of what he said needs little explanation for it to apply to writing code:

  1. "Plan meals ahead." Keep yourself well fed, but don't let meals interfere with the process of thinking about your code. There is actually a very funny illustration by John Kovaleski of a writer (or programmer) sitting at a computer with an IV. It's worth picking up a copy of this issue just for this picture.

  2. "Be realistic about what you can do and the time it takes to do it." That is, estimate your work better. Give yourself the time you need to do it right.

  3. "Sleep."

  4. "Keep writing."

  5. "Realize that this is fun."

I wanted to include a link to the article, but I can't find an online version. If you find it, let me know.