Touring Heuristic

I seem to have a winner with my test reporting heuristic. I've used it several times now. It helps me envision and explain my test reporting. I think I will need something similar for application touring.

Here is my attempt:


The mnemonic stands for the following:

Feature tour
Complexity tour
Claims tour

Configuration tour
User tour
Testability tour
Scenario tour

Variability tour
Interopeability tour
Data tour
Structure tour

  • Feature tour: Move through the application and get familiar with all the controls and features you come across.

  • Complexity tour: Find the five most complex things about the application.

  • Claims tour: Find all the information in the product that tells you what the product does.

  • Configuration tour: Attempt to find all the ways you can change settings in the product in a way that the application retains those settings.

  • User tour: Imagine five users for the product and the information they would want from the product or the major features they would be interested in.

  • Testability tour: Find all the features you can use as testability features and/or identify tools you have available that you can use to help in your testing.

  • Scenario tour: Imagine five realistic scenarios for how the users identified in the user tour would use this product.

  • Variability tour: Look for things you can change in the application - and then you try to change them.

  • Interopeability tour: What does this application interact with?

  • Data tour: Identify the major data elements of the application.

  • Structure tour: Find everything you can about what comprises the physical product (code, interfaces, hardware, files, etc...).