When you think about your company, your project, and what information you need to report, it can be helpful to think about how you'll get that information. When you're thinking about what tools you'll need to help you understand where you're testing is, try asking yourself these questions:
- How much testing do we plan to do and how much of that have we done?
- What potential tests are remaining and in which areas?
- What is our current test creation velocity and what has it been for the duration of the project? How does that break out across the testing area or test case priority?
- What is our current test execution velocity and what has it been for the duration of the project? How does that break out across the testing area or test case priority?
- How much of our testing has been focused on basic functionality (basic requirements, major functions, simple data) rather than common cases (users, scenarios, basic data, state, and error coverage) rather than stress tests (strong data, state, error coverage, load, and constrained environments)?
- How much of our testing has been focused on capability rather than other types of quality criteria (performance, security, scalability, testability, maintainability, and so on)?
- How many of the requirements have we covered and how much of the code have we covered?
- If applicable, what platforms and configurations have we covered?
- How many issues have we found, what severity are they, where have we found them, and how did we find them?