Posts in Free Tools
I've neglected mentioning Watir on this blog because it's already a well known tool. However, since I recently had to do an install of Watir yesterday on a new computer, I noticed a couple of new things the Watir community has been up to since last I checked in with them. For those who don't know, Watir stands for Web Application Testing in Ruby and it's a very simple tool (dare I say painless) for generating test automation for web applications.

So what's new? Well, the last time I installed Watir (it was a while ago), it only had (working) distributions for IE and FireFox. Now it appears to support almost everything I'd care to test: IE, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Flash, and work is underway on other ports. I also stumbled across Celerity, a headless Java browser with JavaScript support. Mmmmm.... sounds fast.

I like Watir for a couple of reasons. First, I enjoy programming in Ruby - it's strangely relaxing to me. That Watir leverages my language of choice is a big win. Second, Watir is so easy to use. Between IRB and FireBug, there are few web applications I've encountered that I can't have working Watir scripts for in a few minutes. Watir commands are predictable and relatively few - making them easy to remember. Finally, it's very easy for me to extend other scripting tasks using Watir. Because it's Ruby, I don't just use Watir for test automation. I sometimes use it to drive test data entry, assist with exploratory testing, parse websites for data, and other odd tasks.

Another fun fact, Watir is one of the few tools with it's own podcast. If you do a lot of test automation, it's well worth taking the time to listen to the podcasts. Lots of gems in there, and not all of them related to Watir.
I'm surprised I haven't posted about soapUI yet given how often I use it. It's one of the first web service testing tools I ever used, and I haven't had much need to look elsewhere. soapUI is great for both functional testing and performance testing. They also have a great service mocking feature.

I've never used the pro version, so I can't speak to those features or the support that comes with it. But I will tell you this, the first (and only) time I had an issue with the tool I contacted the developers and they had a build for me the next day with a fix. I was amazed at the turnaround. I'm sure not all fixes can happen that fast, but it still says something about their passion for the tool and the people that use it.

You can checkout the full feature set here:
Following up on yesterday's post, another tool from Stoyan Stefanov's recent post on performance testing tools is PageTest.  From the Stoyan's post:

"AOL's PageTest is an IE plugin but also a hosted service which is a great way to show your boss/client performance details without inconveniencing them with challenging download and installation activities. PageTest gives you a waterfall view of the page load and a checklist of things to improve, plus some screenshots of interesting moments during load and even a video - an excellent view of how the page looks like in slow speeds. The hosted service can show you the dial-up experience in 4 different places in the world.

For some other cool tools, checkout Stoyan's full post.
Stoyan Stefanov recently did a post on performance testing tools. In that post, he mentioned Yahoo! YSlow. From the YSlow website:
"YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web pages. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the Firebug web development tool. YSlow grades web page based on one of three predefined ruleset or a user-defined ruleset. It offers suggestions for improving the page's performance, summarizes the page's components, displays statistics about the page, and provides tools for performance analysis, including™ and JSLint."