Posts in Free Tools
JavaScript MD5
Over the weekend I had a need to hack into a site to make some changes and do some testing. (It was all on the up and up, the client was aware.) At one point, I ran into a spot where I needed to work with the MD5 secure hash algorithm. I found the informaiton, resources, and the tool provided by JavaScript MD5 to be very helpful in figuring out what I needed to do.
Fake Name Generator
In a recent blog post, Erik Petersen mentioned using Fake Name Generator to create test data. From Erik's post:

"The fascinating feature is the ability to create real looking names from various ethnic groups, resulting in a great variety of Anglo-saxon, Arabic, Asian, Scandanavian, Southern, Eastern and Western European names with personal data that seems real (and with fake real email as well!).

On the Fake Name Generator site, they also link to some other cool test data tools.
For those who didn't see Karit's comment on yesterday's post on having a backup browser when testing with a proxy, I wanted to share the tool he mentioned. Karit suggested using FoxyProxy, a Firefox extension which automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers based on URL patterns.

Looks to be a cool little plug-in. Thanks for the tip Karit. I'll likely end up trying it out next week.