Today's tip comes from Simon Morley. Simon has been playing around with bubbl a free web application that lets you brainstorm online. There are more free tools listed on Wikipedia.
An article from UXBooth turned me on to Browsershots. Browsershots collects a group of screenshots of your website using different browsers and lets you view and download them. It's the coolest thing. And useful too... it turned up four errors on my site in a couple of open source browers.
Here's a tool to see what processes and modules are running. It's free.
See: or search for DLL Toys.
See: or search for DLL Toys.
Data and visualization - a favorite topic of mine. Here's somewhere to get data and to play with visualization. Check out:
There are a number of tools out there for various browsers that provide similar features, but when I'm working in FireFox I use Firebug. Firebug integrates with Firefox and provides a number of tools for editing, debugging, and monitoring CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Tools like this are particularly helpful when doing website scripting, basic web testing, or security testing.