Posts in Events
IWST: Testers who write code
We are starting planning for the September Indianapolis Workshop on Software Testing focused on the topic of testers who write code. Here are the details:
Date: Friday, September 26
Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Indianapolis, IN @ Mobius Labs

In this workshop we will focus on those aspects of testing where we write code. There will be a strong focus on performance, automation, and security testing. A lot of discussion around tools, languages, frameworks, and design patterns. We will be looking for experience reports from people willing to share project stories, examples, and we would be willing to entertain proposals for hands-on coding activities during the workshop.

If you're interested in attending, please drop me a line. Preference will go to those who have experience reports to offer, but we always try to save space for people new to IWST and for people who are new to the topic.
SOA Testing Webcast
David Christiansen and I did recently gave a webcast on SOA testing and some popular tools available. I really enjoyed giving the talk. It runs a little over one hour. You can find it here .

We also have an upcoming IWST on SOA Testing. If you have an experience you'd like to share, drop me a line. The workshop is free, the people are cool, and if I have my way we'll have some sort of group exercise where we actually fire up some web services and test them. That reminds me, if you're a company that has a web service that might be good for an exercise, you can also drop me a line. :)